Chart Test Chambers
Rev. A
Chart Environmental Chambers
This manual is intended for use by Chart, Inc. Environmental Chamber customers. It
is important to read and understand the information in this manual before installing or
operating the chamber system. This will result in safer operation, longer equipment
life, and more effective testing. Other component manufacturers which provide their
own manuals are sent along with the chamber.
The Environmental Chamber system offers you the ability to expose your new
product to extreme temperatures at rapid rates of change. This has proven to be an
extremely effective means of identifying failure-prone components and assemblies in
the shortest possible time. The unique characteristics of Chart, Inc. Environmental
Chamber systems are of key importance in achieving this effectiveness.
The staff and employees of Chart Industries, Inc. thank you for choosing our product.
Please don’t hesitate to call us with any questions or comments that you may have. If
after reading through this manual you are not confident in carrying out any task,
please call Chart Industries Technical Service team at 1-888-877-3093.
Liquid Nitrogen is not harmful if handled properly. However, without proper handling,
severe frost bite and cryogenic burning can result.
❏ During this process, you will need:
Safety glasses with side shields
Cryogenic insulated gloves
Hearing protection
Leather working gloves
Steel toed shoe
Chart Environmental Chambers
❏ Symbols and statements throughout this text and their meaning:
Text following this symbol needs extra attention.
NOTE: Text in this format is extra information helpful to the situation.
CAUTION: Text in this format is information to help avoid personal injury and/or
property damage.
WARNING!: Text in this format is information to help avoid serious
personal injury or death, and property damage.
Chart Environmental Chambers
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
SERVICE.................................................................................................................. II
MANUFACTURER .................................................................................................... II
DESIGN MODIFICATION .......................................................................................... II
ADDITIONAL COPIES............................................................................................... II
DESCRIPTION OF SAFETY FEATURES ....................................................................3
PERFORMANCE ..................................................................................................................4
SYSTEM DETAILS...............................................................................................................4
PROGRAMMABLE CONTROL AND DATA LOGGING .............................................................4
DIMENSIONS AND UTILITIES ..............................................................................................4
TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM:..........................................................................5
AIR CIRCULATION BLOWER: ...................................................................................5
TEMPERATURE SAFETY CONTROLLER .....................................................................6
ELECTRICAL POWER HOOK-UP ...............................................................................7
LIQUID NITROGEN PLUMBING .................................................................................8
EXHAUST GAS PLUMBING .......................................................................................8
OPERATOR CONTROL SWITCHES ...........................................................................10
LIQUID NITROGEN SOLENOID VALVE ....................................................................16
TEMPERATURE SENSORS........................................................................................16
DOOR GUARD SWITCH...........................................................................................16
Chart Environmental Chambers
Table of Contents
List of Tables
TABLE 1 - CHAMBER PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................4
TABLE 2 - SYSTEM DETAILS .................................................................................................4
TABLE 3 - DIMENSIONS AND UTILITIES.................................................................................4
TABLE 4 - LIQUID NITROGEN COOLING VALVE PARTS.......................................................16
TABLE 5 - REPLACEMENT THERMOCOUPLE ........................................................................16
TABLE 6 - DOOR GUARD SWITCH .......................................................................................16
Chart Environmental Chambers
Description of Safety Features
Safety Information
ꢀ Your Chart equipment is provided with several safety systems designed to help
prevent accidental damage to product and equipment, and avoid injury to
personnel. Always operate this equipment in accordance with the procedures set
forth in the OPERATION section of this manual.
ꢀ The safety systems described below should be checked at least once every 30
days, and any inoperative or questionable conditions must be corrected before
resuming operation.
ꢀ Servicing of this equipment and its associated utility service must be done only by
properly trained personnel!
Liquid nitrogen, and high voltages can all cause severe injury or death if not properly
This equipment produces extreme temperatures and uses pressurized fluids.
Failure to follow instructions and use proper safety precautions can cause injury or
This equipment uses LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2), which can displace oxygen and
cause severe injury or death due to lack of oxygen. It is important to monitor
oxygen levels in the working environment around the chamber to assure a safe
working environment for all personnel.
Chart Environmental Chambers
Description of Safety Features
Description of Safety Features
On each unit, there are a number of features, which help to ensure safe operation. These
features are:
❏ Temperature High/Low Limit Control:
A user-programmable limit control is provided as an independent measure of safety
against thermal runaway (hot or cold), which could occur from, but not limited to, the
Programming error
Primary controller failure
Thermocouple breakage
Heater SSR failure
Circulation blower failure
The limit control is wired into the control devices to provide a totally independent safety
system. A separate thermocouple is provided for the limit control and located inside the
air plenum. If this device has reached an alarm condition, the system must be reset by
pressing the “Chamber Reset” button on the control console.
WARNING!: The alarm set point of this device should never be set higher
than +200°C or lower than –80°C as these are the
maximum design temperature of the system.
It is important to note that this safety controller does not protect from a possible failure of
the cooling solenoid valve. It is possible for this valve to fail and allow liquid nitrogen to
continue flowing into the chamber, resulting in extremely cold temperatures. As a result,
Chart recommends changing the solenoid valve on a regular basis as a preventative
maintenance measure against such occurrences.
Chart Environmental Chambers
Specifications and Utility Requirements
Specifications and Utility Requirements
Table 1 - Chamber Performance Specifications
P e r f o r m a n c e
T e m p e r a t u r e
-80 to +200°C
Allowable Range
Temperature change rate
Temperature Control
Up to 20°C/min
+/- 2°C after stabilization
Table 2 - System Details
S y s t e m D e t a i l s
LN2 direct injection, time proportional control.
2 kW (4 kW in HP model) of heat provided by open nichrome
wire heating elements. Time proportional solid state control of
resistive heating elements in air conditioning plenum.
Programmable Control and Data Logging
Watlow Series 96 temperature controller.
A serial communications connector is installed in the wall of
the control panel, wired to the Watlow controller to facilitate
communication with a PC. This feature is not standard, but
can be ordered as an option.
Table 3 - Dimensions and Utilities
D i m e n s i o n s a n d U t i l i t i e s
Interior Workspace
Overall Exterior Dimensions
Weight of System
12” W x 14” D x 12” H
116” W x 146” D x 124” H
220 pounds (Approximate)
230 VAC 1PH; 20 FLA (HP model - 30 FLA)
1/8” fpt; 40-50 psig, 175 psig MAX
1” OD
Chart Environmental Chambers
❏ Temperature Control System:
Heating is accomplished with resistive electric elements, while cooling is accomplished
by blowing liquid nitrogen into the chamber. The liquid nitrogen is vaporized through
nozzles and the cold vapor is circulated over the products in the chamber so that liquid
nitrogen does not touch the product under test. Electric heaters are carefully selected and
arranged to provide extremely rapid rates of temperature change without exceeding safe
design limits of heat elements. The heaters and nitrogen nozzles are located in the air
conditioning plenum.
CAUTION: Although the chamber is designed to use very small amounts of liquid
nitrogen, the resulting nitrogen gas is vented out of the chamber. It is
important to monitor the oxygen levels in the working environment around
the chamber to ensure safe operating conditions.
The liquid nitrogen control is done by a solenoid valve. The solenoid valve is chosen for
its compact size and high reliability. The temperature controller tells the solenoid valve
when to open based on the temperature inside the chamber.
Cooling solenoid
Nitrogen gas
❏ Air Circulation Blower:
The chamber is equipped with a non-corrosive blower wheel, which provides air
circulation to distribute temperature controlled air and minimize thermal enclosure
temperature gradients. Baffles provide output air openings to direct the air flow out of the
duct and into the workspace of the chamber. The blower is located in the air
conditioning plenum. The blower draws air flow across the heater and nitrogen nozzle
and out into the workspace of the chamber.
❏ Instruments:
Temperature is controlled by a Watlow Series 96 temperature controller. The input to the
temperature controller is a type T thermocouple. The control thermocouple is mounted in
Chart Environmental Chambers
the air-flow plenum and is not directly visible. The following figure is a picture of the
Watlow controller:
Watlow Series 96
❏ Temperature Safety Controller
A temperature Hi/Lo limit control protects the chamber against thermal runaway due to a
primary controller fault or control device failure. The input to the Hi/Lo limit control is a
type T thermocouple. The thermocouple is mounted in the air-flow plenum and is not
directly visible. The temperature safety controller is located inside the control box and is
not to be adjusted by the operator.
Chart Environmental Chambers
System Installation
System Installation
❏ Location
The location of the chamber should be chosen with a few items in mind:
The left side of the chamber has an access port, which allows passing power and
data acquisition wires into the chamber and connecting to the device under test.
The top side of the chamber has the control box. For safety and service reasons,
this side must be kept clear at least three feet from the control box door.
The front of the chamber contains the door. Enough room should be left so the
door can swing fully open for ease of loading test items in and out of the chamber.
The rear of the chamber contains the blower motor assembly. Space should be
left to allow a service technician to access this assembly. Also note that the
blower assembly has an extended shaft that protrudes through the chamber wall
and connects to the blower wheel. Should the blower assembly ever need to be
removed from the chamber, the blower will need to be able to slide back far
enough to get the shaft back out of the chamber wall.
The chamber weighs approximately 200 pounds, if it is going to be placed on a
surface, be sure the surface can support the weight safely.
❏ Electrical Power Hook-Up
The electrical power needs to be connected from above and into the back of the control
box. A large hole is provided in the back of the control console for the entrance of the
power wires. The power specs are given in the Specs section of this manual. It is
extremely important to run a properly sized ground wire. It is often beneficial to provide
a ground wire that is actually larger than conventional standards. Doing so may aid in
reducing any electrical noise problems. When running power there should be at least one
to two feet of flexible conduit before the chamber connection to leave room for
expansion and contraction of the floor as well as allow for slight variances in chamber
placement. If the chamber uses the cord/plug supplied by Chart, that will make
connecting power much simpler. If the customer does not wish to use the cord/plug
assembly, it is possible to run wires directly into the control box and terminate at the
same points as the cord/plug assembly did.
All power needed to operate the chamber is generated/supplied from the main control
box. Only one main power supply is needed to operate the chamber. The power of the
control box does not have any provisions for powering any devices under test.
After the installation is complete, it is important to check the rotational direction of the
blower. If the fans are not rotating in the proper direction, the heaters will not get
sufficient air flow and cause premature burn-out and failure of the heater elements. If the
fans are not rotating in the proper direction, switch two of the power leads to the blower,
as this should change the rotational direction. Proper rotational direction will provide air
Chart Environmental Chambers
System Installation
suction into the blower in the back wall of the chamber and discharge from the top of the
❏ Liquid Nitrogen Plumbing
Along with the electrical power, bring in the LN2 service from the top or the back of the
chamber for easy access around the chamber. The connection point is at the solenoid
valve on the back wall of the chamber. The nitrogen then flows through the valve and
then enters the chamber to supply liquid nitrogen to the nozzle inside the plenum. The
location of the liquid nitrogen inlet is dimensioned on the O&D drawing at the end of this
Liquid nitrogen
solenoid valve
Gaseous nitrogen
exhaust connection.
A line relief valve should be installed between the LN2 connection on the chamber (the
solenoid valve) and the first manual shut-off valve upstream from this connection in the
nitrogen pipe system. This relief valve should be rated at a pressure less than 175 psig,
or the lowest pressure rated component in the system. This relief valve is not included
with the system and should be taken care of at installation.
❏ Exhaust Gas Plumbing
The exhaust gas of the chamber should be plumbed to the outside of the building. No
fans or restrictions should be placed in this line. Any fans or restrictions will decrease
system performance.
It is important to vent the system to the outside of the building for safety reasons. If the
system is not vented to the outside of the building, there is a risk of an oxygen-depleted
atmosphere in the area surrounding the chamber.
The vent piping should also be well insulated to prevent moisture present in the air from
condensing/freezing on the outside surface of the exhaust pipe. The exit of the exhaust
piping should be configured to prevent any water, rain, etc from flowing back into the
chamber’s exhaust system. Any water present in the system may form ice and break the
cooling heat exchanger.
Chart Environmental Chambers
System Installation
It may be possible to run the chamber without the exhaust gas plumbed out of the
building. An evaluation of the size of the room containing the chamber, as well as the
ventilation system (number of air changes) must be done to determine this. If it is
determined that the room is ventilated well enough to not plumb the exhaust gas out of
the building, it is highly recommended to install an oxygen monitor in the vicinity of the
chamber to ensure safe working conditions for all personnel.
Chart Environmental Chambers
Check system functions and your understanding of the system by following these steps
with an empty thermal enclosure before installing the product to be tested.
1. Verify that all utilities are on-line before operating equipment. Liquid nitrogen is
required for proper cooling. (Empty or low LN2 tanks produce a mixture of liquid
and vapor which will not properly cool the chamber.) Proper voltage and phase
electrical supply are necessary for full heating capability. These requirements are
listed in the Specifications section.
2. With all function switches in OFF position, connect power to the chamber.
3. Be sure chamber enclosure door is closed securely.
4. Turn the Control Power switch to the ON position.
5. Press Reset push-button to enable control circuits.
6. Adjust temperature set points on the temperature controller to achieve desired internal
Operator Control Switches
The control console has several selector switches and buttons. The switches/buttons are
identified on the following picture.
These switches/buttons provide the following control:
1. Watlow Controller
Controls the internal chamber heating, cooling, circulations fans, air purge and
window heaters.
Chart Environmental Chambers
2. Control Power (OFF, ON)
This switch controls the 24vdc control power in the control system. If this switch is
turned OFF, all control functions will be disabled. The temperature controllers are
powered from a 115vac circuit, so they will remain powered up even if the control
power switch is turned OFF, however no heating, cooling, etc will be able to take
3. Chamber Reset (push button)
This button will be illuminated under normal operation. If the Temperature Safety
controller goes into a high or low temperature alarm, this button will no longer be
illuminated. The respective heating or cooling action will not be enabled until the
alarm condition is no longer present and the Chamber Reset button has been pressed.
4. Air Safety (up, down; touch pad)
This controller is located inside the control box and is not to be adjusted by the
operator. The controller has pre-set alarm set points to protect the chamber from
thermal run-away and extreme temperature conditions.
5. SERIAL COMM (communications connection)
This connector is provided on the back of the control box for future serial
communications with the Watlow controller. The cable that is attached to this
CAUTION: If the chamber is left with the circulation fan running, and either no
temperature set point, or no liquid nitrogen supply, the internal chamber
temperature will rise. This rise in temperature could damage product inside
the chamber if it is not controlled.
The following graph shows the rise in internal chamber temperature with the circulation
fan running and no cooling output being applied. It is important to note that the
circulation fan does generate a small amount of heat, which causes the internal chamber
temperature to rise slightly from ambient to about 28°C. This data assumes the chamber
started at ambient temperature, there was no live heat generating product in the chamber,
and neither heat nor cool outputs are being applied.
1 If the RS-232 option is ordered, the cable will be installed to the controller.
Chart Environmental Chambers
No live heat load in chamber
Time Elapsed (min)
Watlow Series 96 Controller Operation
NOTE: For more complete instructions on the operation of the Watlow Series 96
controller, refer to the supplied manual. All information in the Watlow
controller manual takes precedence over information shown in this manual.
Entering Temperature Set Points
The temperature set point for the chamber is displayed on the bottom display of the
Watlow controller. The set point is simply entered by using the up and down arrow
buttons on the front of the controller. The up arrow is used to increase the set point and
the down arrow is used to decrease the set point. If the buttons are pressed once, the set
point will change by one degree. If the buttons are pushed and held, the set point will
continue changing set point and will change faster as the button is held in longer.
Increase temperature
set point.
Current chamber
Decrease temperature
set point.
Current temperature
set point.
Chart Environmental Chambers
Heating/Cooling Indicators
When the Watlow controller is applying a heat or cool signal, an LED is indicated on the
front panel. The longer the particular LED is on, the more heating/cooling power is
being applied. If the LED is continuously on, that indicates full heating/cooling power.
If a heating signal is being applied, the LED by the number 1 will be illuminated, if a
cooling signal is being applied, the LED by the number 2 will be illuminated.
Cool indicating LED
Heat indicating LED
❏ Air Safety Controller Operation
WARNING!: The alarm set point of this device should never be set higher
than +200°C or lower than -80°C as these are the maximum
and minimum design temperatures of the chamber system.
A temperature Hi/Lo limit control protects the chamber against thermal runaway due to a
primary controller fault or control device failure. The controller is mounted inside the
control box and is not to be adjusted by the operator. The input to the Hi/Lo limit control
is a shielded type T thermocouple. The thermocouple is mounted in the air-flow plenum
and is not directly visible.
The temperature safety controller has two independent set points. One set point is a high
temperature safety and the other set point is for low temperature safety. If the chamber
exceeds the set point of the high temperature safety, the temperature safety controller will
issue an alarm (the red A1 indicator will no longer be visible), which will stop any
further heat from being applied by the chamber’s heaters. If the chamber goes below the
set point of the low temperature safety, the temperature safety controller will issue an
alarm (the red SP indicator will no longer be visible), which will stop any further cooling
functions by the chamber. The red “A1” and “SP” indicators are illuminated when the
alarm conditions are not present.
When either of the alarm conditions occur, the RESET button on the front of the chamber
control panel will no longer be illuminated. The heating/cooling output will not be active
until the alarm condition is no longer present and the RESET button has been pushed.
The RESET button will become illuminated upon pushing it when no alarm conditions
are present.
Chart Environmental Chambers
System Maintenance
System Maintenance
Maintenance of this equipment should be done by a qualified technician. High voltage
electrical systems, cryogenic plumbing, and mechanical systems all represent a potential
for injury or death. The main power must be removed from the chamber, and the liquid
nitrogen supply should be disconnected prior to servicing this equipment. It is a good
practice to keep a maintenance log for the system. The log should contain the tasks that
must be accomplished and when they were performed.
Chart Industries does offer a service contract in which we will send a technician out to do
routine maintenance items. Different plans are available. If interested, please call 1-888-
877-3093 for details.
❏ Maintenance Tasks to be Performed on a Daily Basis:
1. Check the high and low temperature settings of the air safety controller to insure that
they are set to the appropriate settings for the product that is being tested. The high
temperature set point (SP) should never be any higher than 200°C. The low
temperature set point (AL-2) should never be set lower than -80°C.
2. Make sure that the LN2 supply is on and that there is sufficient LN2 to perform your
test. The pressure of the LN2 should also be verified and maintained at less than 175
❏ Maintenance Tasks to be Performed on a Monthly Basis:
1. The proper function of the safety control devices should be checked on a regular
basis. Replace any items that may be damaged or worn. These would include the
ON/OFF switch and door proximity switch.
2. Check the air safety circuit high temperature trip point by lowering the setting of the
product safety (SP) below 30°C and programming the system set point to 45°C to
verify that the safety circuit trips at the high temperature it was set for and heating is
disabled. Check the product safety circuit low temperature trip point (AL-2) by
raising the setting of the air safety (AL-2) above 0°C and programming the system set
point to -15°C to verify that the product safety trips at the low temperature it was set
3. The electrical compartment should be kept clean and vacuumed if necessary.
4. The current draws of the major components (blower motor and heater) should be
checked with an amp probe and recorded for future reference to determine if there is
any irregularity. Extreme caution must be taken whenever working with high voltage
components. Increased current draws may be an early sign of heater problems.
Chart Environmental Chambers
System Maintenance
5. The seals and gaskets on the doors floors and ports should be inspected for adequate
sealing. Remove any foreign materials that may be embedded in the gasket. Worn or
damaged gasket should be replaced.
6. Check all the fasteners on the system and tighten if necessary.
❏ Maintenance Tasks to be Performed Every Three Months:
1. Measure and record the resistance of the heater. Changes in these measurements over
time can help predict any future heater elements failing.
❏ Maintenance Tasks to be Performed on an Annual Basis:
1. Calibrate the Watlow controller.
2. Inspect seats of solenoid valve. Chart recommends replacing the valve as a
preventative maintenance measure against thermal run-away conditions due to
solenoid valve failure.
Chart Environmental Chambers
Replacement Parts
If any parts are required, please call 1-888-877-3093 for pricing and availability. The
following information provides Chart Industries, Inc. part numbers to assist in finding the
correct part.
❏ Liquid Nitrogen Solenoid Valve
The following table lists various items that may need to be replaced over time with
respect to the liquid nitrogen control valves.
Table 4 - Liquid Nitrogen Cooling Valve Parts
Chart Industries, Inc. P/N
Cooling solenoid valve
Cooling solenoid valve for HP model
❏ Temperature Sensors
This type T thermocouple is a rugged and shielded sensor designed to withstand the
entire temperature range of the chamber. The shielding helps ensure reliable input
signals to the temperature controller. Chart sells this wire by the foot. The thermocouple
wires run from the inside of the chamber, through the plenum and into the control box via
conduit. Thermocouples are used for the chamber temperature control and the air
Table 5 - Replacement Thermocouple
Chart Industries, Inc. P/N
Thermocouple Wire
Door Guard Switch
The chamber door is monitored by a guard switch that keeps the chamber from running if
the chamber door is opened. This serves as a safety function of the chamber. The
following table identifies the part number for this switch.
Table 6 - Door Guard Switch
Door Guard Switch
Chart Environmental Chambers
Chart Industries, Inc. warrants the equipment and materials manufactured under this
contract are in accordance with Chart Industries, Inc. specifications. If any part of said
equipment or material manufactured by Chart Industries, Inc., as determined by the
seller, is defective in workmanship or material, and not subjected to misuse or abuse,
within 90 days from date of installation or within 120 days of invoice, whichever
period is lesser, Chart Industries, Inc. will exchange and install a replacement part in
place and stead of the said defective part without charge.
Within one (1) year from date of invoice, Chart Industries, Inc. will furnish an
exchange part for the defective one, f.o.b. seller’s plants, and installation and cost of
installation thereof will be the responsibility of the customer.
Accessories and components not manufactured by Chart Industries, Inc. shall be
warranted to the extent of the original manufacturer’s warranty.
Chart Industries, Inc. shall not be liable under this equipment warranty for any
operational delays or consequential damages, and the customer assumes all risk and
liability whatsoever resulting from the use of such equipment and materials, whether used
singly or in combination with other substances. Chart Industries, Inc. makes no warranty
of merchantability of such equipment and materials of their fitness for any purpose and
Chart Industries, Inc. makes no other warranties expressed or implied except to the extent
provided in the language on the face hereof. This equipment warranty cannot be
modified in any way except be a written instrument duly executed by Chart Industries,
Inc. and the customer. Chart’s standard terms and conditions, supplied with
quotation/proposal apply.
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